Saturday, December 20, 2008


6 Months! Can you believe it? I am sure you probably can, but I am still struggling.

For your reading pleasure, I bring you my list of 6 reasons I love Little A:

1. Your smile. Even on my toughest days, that little turn of your lips makes me melt over and over again.

2. Your constant state of discovery. I know this is common to all your peers, but to be privy to every new look, sound, and movement you make causes me to bubble up with pride and an excitement I can't explain....

3. Your everpresent desire for attention. It reminds me of someone I know...

4. Your blue, blue eyes. They remind me of your father, and I feel like I can see right into you through them.

5. Your snuggles. I don't think I could feel more at peace than when you are snuggled up at my neck or in my arms, awake and studying my face, but totally quiet and calm, needing nothing more than to just be loved.

6. You made me a mother. I find no deeper satisfaction in this life than being your mom. You have helped me gain more patience and find more inner strength than I knew posessed. You have softened and humbled me. You have given me the chance to find my true calling and nature, brought me closer to my Father In Heaven, and filled me with a great desire to be better. You will always be the child that made me a Mother, and for that you will forever have my heart.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Are you out there???

So I have been deeply negligent in my blogging responsibilties. I am quite sure I have lost what little readership I had. But in my defense, our household has been plagued of late with illness, sleepless nights, and the busyness that comes with this time of year. By the time I sit down to the computer, it is usually 11:30 at night and my brain is too hazed to function.
It has been quite a month since my last post, though:

Little A began solid food, threw it up, began again, threw it up, and began again (the joy of orange retching has yet to be something I have found).

She learned to sit up on her own.

(If I take pictures from the front, she gets distracted by the camera and falls most of those shots resemble this:)

I got the tree and decorations up WAY early, anticipating the delay that is Little A...

(Why four you ask?? Because I can't handle the assymetry of having 3 hooks with stockings and 1 without...)

Peter got promoted, works a swing shift and finished classes for the semester. Yeah! I think his finals week was just as stressful for me as my own finals weeks were...I am not sure I can handle three more years of this plus grad school..eek!

My wonderful sleeper (remember 9 pm to 7 am anyone?) also stopped sleeping through the night...more on that later.

Oh, and I got a job doing childcare in my home for a baby a little younger than Little A starting in January.

Overall it has been an eventful, satisfying, and sometimes frustrating several weeks...but I think I am back in the swing! Tune in for "The Tale of Tears" coming soon!