Monday, August 30, 2010

Motherhood: An Eternal Partnership with God

I am behind the times, and just watched this today. I had a conversation with a friend in which we were discussing the difficulities of being "mom" and how we felt like sometimes we just weren't doing a good job. I know for a fact she is a fantastic mother, and I hope I am doing ok, too. At the end of the day I often feel exhausted, and frequently question my ability to fill this heavy role I have taken on. Even more so now that we are going to welcome another one. The words of Elder Holland brought me great reassurance today, and I know the Lord hears my prayers. I hope you enjoy, and all you mothers take heart.


shiloh said...

This is such a good one. I think it speaks to moms everywhere. It doesn't matter how many times I see it, every time I cry like a baby. Glad you were able to see it, too!

The Obergs said...

I've seen this video before and I love it. Thanks for posting it so that I can be reminded of my little miracle. Amanda, you ARE an amazing mother. I always try to imagine how you would handle a situation, when I feel like I'm ready to explode. Abby is so luck to have a mom that makes her princess dresses, let's her "do her hair", takes her swimming, goes on picnics with her, teaches her how to share, teaches her the articles of faith... the list goes on and I think you should be proud of the mom you've become.