Monday, August 20, 2007

Jumping On The Bandwagon...

Well, it was really only a matter of time before we joined the blogging forces. The real reason I have been holding back is that our lives have really just not been that interesting. But alas, times change and it looks like we are facing some new adventures. I figured this would be a good way to keep everyone informed. So feel free to stop by and check on us, and I will try to keep this thing up to date.

As of last week, we were sitting here in Draper and loving our place, loving our ward, and discussing how we were going to try and stay put for as long as we could. It was short lived. Peter has been contemplating military service for awhile now, and on Thursday we had an a sit-down meeting with the Army ROTC. They had some great options for him (unlike the Air Force - who appear to not want anyone!).

He has decided to take a 3 year full tuition scholarship and contract with the ROTC, which puts him in line to recieve complete funding for medical school if he gets accepted. Long story short - he is going to have to quit working in the spring and we are going to need to move when our lease here in Draper is up. So November 6 will mark Move #4 in the first two years. We will be living in student housing at the U of U...which is actually a great option. We are excited, but sad to have to leave Draper and not looking forward to packing again :P.


Unknown said...

The Air Force is acutally getting rid of people right now...

Amanda said...

That is what we found out - kind of disappointing. But the Army personnel seem like pretty decent people - hopefully they'll be good to him.

Unknown said...

That is great that he is joining the Army - I didn't know that he was interested in that! Well, Congratulations and I wish you two the best!
(I don't blame you on the moving part - you never know how much stuff you really have until you have to pack it all up and move)