Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A's Room

I am so excited! We aren't allowed to paint or wallpaper any part of our townhome, so I have been looking for a way to make Little A's nursery a little more exciting. Well, yesterday while purusing Target, I found these darling removable decals. It took me about an hour to put them up and I think they look awesome. And the best part is that Little A loves them. She grinned and coo'd from her bouncy seat as she watched them go up. I just about had to cover her eyes while I was nursing her because she kept craning her head back to look at the wall.


Susan said...

Very cute! It's nice to see you have actual walls in the townhouses...no more cinder blocks! (:

shiloh said...

Those look awesome. You can always count on Target to have the perfect solution. :)