Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back To School

Peter has headed back to the cyber sense of the word. All of his classes this semester are online. Only 3-4 more years to go. I am very jealous and have decided I would like to go back and get a Second Bachelor's or a Master's degree while we are up here. It will likely be an English - Technical Writing degree. We will see if I am actually able to make it work.

We hit the campus Monday to get his books and some school gear for each of us. It was insane! It is amazing to watch how this small quiet town transforms when 15-20,000 20somethings converge onto it. I have never been here early enough in the summer to notice the change that occurs when school starts. The amazing thing to me is how well the regular citizens of this little town handle the transition. Everyone is still more polite than anywhere else I have ever been, even when the lines are ridiculously long and traffic is horrible.


Susan said...

Oh, you are making me miss Logan!! I hope we can get up to visit you guys soon!

Amanda said...

We miss having you and Clark around! When are you heading this way again??