Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's 6 AM? Really?

She did it! She finally slept through the night again!! I thought the day would never come.


After 2 months of getting up at 2:30 AM or 3 AM and then again at 6 AM, Little A decided it just wasn't worth waking from sugar-plum land last night. I heard her talking to her self this morning, rolled over to see the clock (expecting it to read some unholy hour yet again) and laid there in stunned shock to see it was 6 AM. I fed her, and she decided to go right back to sleep for another 2 hours!!

Prayers have been answered, and the world quite possibly could be coming to an end.

Note: Not an actual photo of last night's miraculous events.

1 comment:

Jed and Kera said...

YAY for Abby!!! Amanda I'm so glad you got some sleep!